Mehrbod Pakbaz

M  E  H  R  B  O  D     P  A  K  B  A  Z

Qazvin Railway Station Animation

Diamond Cafe Introduction Video

Iran’s Pavilion – Expo 2020 Animation

I am thrilled to be part of the clean energy movement as a Photovoltaic Planer in Berlin, where I combine my passion for digital design with architectural technology. My journey has led me from designing architecture and teaching digital fabrication to exploring the exciting possibilities of my current role. When I am not working, you will find me playing guitar or camping—activities that keep my creativity alive. I am also venturing into virtual reality and robotic architecture, eager to push the boundaries of innovation in my field.


Mehrbod Pakbaz
Jan’2025 – Berlin

I am thrilled to be part of the clean energy movement as a Photovoltaic Planer in Berlin, where I combine my passion for digital design with architectural technology. My journey has led me from designing architecture and teaching digital fabrication to exploring the exciting possibilities of my current role. When I am not working, you will find me playing guitar or camping—activities that keep my creativity alive. I am also venturing into virtual reality and robotic architecture, eager to push the boundaries of innovation in my field.


Mehrbod Pakbaz
Jan’2025 – Berlin

‣ July’2023 – Present
MBG Energy GmbH (Berlin) / Photovoltaic Planer

‣ April’2022 – Aug’2022
Materiability Research Group (Anhalt University of Applied Science-Dessau) / Tutor

‣ Feb’2018 – July’2021
Herampey Consulting Engineers (Tehran) / Architectural Designer

‣ Nov’2017 – July’2021
Pars Institute of Computation Aided Design Fab-lab (IoCAD-Tehran) / Mentor, Digital Fabrication Consulter

‣ Sep’2015 – Sep’2016
Adine Negar Shargh Consulting Engineers (Terhran) / Architectural Draftsman

‣ Jan’2024
Master of Integrated Design
(GPA 1.5/5)
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences / Dessau / Germany
Thesis topic: Auxetic Materials

‣ July’2019
Master of Digital Architectural Technology
(GPA %94 1st Rank)
Pars Higher Education Institution of Architecture & Art / Tehran / Iran
Thesis topic: Designing a Commercial Center Using Virtual Reality

‣ June’2015
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering
(GPA %92 Top Student)
Azad University Central Tehran Branch, IAUCTB / Tehran / Iran
Thesis topic: Designing an Ecotourism Residential Center in Mesr Desert, Iran
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